Sunday, October 18, 2009

Zoe likes to play all by herself


Fun Weekend!

Daddy dressed her today! So impressed!Trying out the shopping cart pad for the first time!She wants to touch everything.She does not like "NO". Zoe throwing a fit!"Huh?"Sleepy girlOur family reunionZoe was entertained a lot!Mr. and Mrs. Rhinehart

Thursday, October 15, 2009

She walks everywhere and loves to splash in the bath!

Daddy giving a bath....

Her curly hair!

She loves to splash

Z loves when daddy plays with her

She hates the car seat!

She is still small in the high chair

Zoe is growing up so fast!

She is so cute

Hello! I am talking mom!

Can you see her two top teeth?

Loves snowcones on a hot day!

With AZ Grandpa and Yaya

Biting her thumb

She loves to dig her teeth into everything...including us!

Right.....Left.... her first steps!

Come on pumpkin...You can do it!
My toot-in-bop and momma

After bath

Saturday, October 10, 2009


♥I have decided to start a blog so that you can see how fast Zoë is growing! We have taken tons of pictures and videos and we would like to share them with you. I will be honest with you. I will try to update as frequently as possible but going to school and taking care of my family is A LOT of work. But enjoy and laugh with us as you see the crazy faces Z makes and her many firsts.♥